Literacy Games

CVC Word Wheels The CVC Word Wheels are a fun way for beginning readers to practice CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, also known as word family rhymes. This activity includes 10 word wheels with the following word families for your child to practice sounding out...

Classic Literature Tournament

Hey friends! Boy oh boy do we have a game in store for you! We all are a little bummed that march madness is canceled but I personally try not to limit my madness to only March! *buh dum ching* (hold your applause I know hilarious) ANYWAY! This year I’m getting my...

A Journey from Earth to Space

Hey! Do your kids love studying all about Space and the planet we live on? I know mine sure do! Astronomy is one of my favorite Science studies. Learning about Earth and Space is always fun but why not kick it up a notch with these Four Invitations to Create, which...

Anatomy Unit Preview!

The Human Body is an incredible machine! Explore the Wonders of the human Body with this WonderHere Anatomy mini unit. These are a few of the Invitations to play & Create that teach different systems of the body! Digestive System Simulation: This experiment is a...

Create a Theme Park Math Project

What does Disney World and math class have in common? If you’re a WonderHere kids, lots! At WonderHere we know that relevant and meaningful learning is so important for making what they’re learning stick. The Create a Theme Park math project combines things all kids...

7 Ways to Make Your Home Print-Rich Friendly!

One of the phrases floating around in education is a “print rich environment”. If you are not familiar with this term, we would love to explain it to you! A print rich environment is a place where children are able to look around them and see different forms of print...