Let’s talk about preschoolers!

Kids at this age love a daily rhythm! They don’t need exact times, but having a sense of what is going to happen when provides so much reassurance for children! This can lend itself to a more peaceful environment for you, and helps everyone keep a level head. Include in your routine specific times for you to be alone! Both for yourself and your kids, time to recuperate after being with people is helpful. A great space for that is quiet time being built in to each day! It lets everyone get a break. Flexibility is key, using a schedule without specific times is helpful for that.

Organize your atmosphere! Try your best to keep it uncluttered, peaceful, and organized. Create a kid friendly space just for them. The more relaxed you are about this, the more it will rub off on them! Keeping the items accessible for them to reach, to be able to play with and create with when they’d like to. Find a place for everything!

For activities, consider trying loose parts! Loose parts are simply a collection of random things presented in an inviting manner to play with. For example put leaves, sticks, and rubber bands in little containers to create with. They will come up with things you never thought of! Sensory bins – rice, shaving cream, cooked or uncooked pasta, the possibilities are endless! – are also a great option. Independent learning trays (also known as Montessori trays), are baskets or bins with a specific activity in them. They foster independence, and it keeps the activity together in 1 place. They can be activities that help to practice with fine motor skills and that encourage learning. Show them how to use the activity before you have it out on the tray for them to do on their own. Other great preschool activities are: art! Use your recyclables! Gluing, taping, using natural elements, paint, and sidewalk chalk are great materials to freely play with and make art. Resist the idea of always having a model for the child to use!

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of unstructured play! This means no specific directions on what they have to play. All they need is a safe space to explore and discover the world through unstructured play! Try to set aside 30 minutes a day when you can that you join them and allow them to tell you what role to play alongside them! Unstructured play is one of the few things they actually have control over, and it is so healthy for development.

See the resource below for more ideas on ways to engage your preschooler!
