This activity will have your child using personification and synecdoche like a PRO!

PERSONIFICATION refers to a figure of speech when the writer or speaker gives an animal or object human-like traits to convey a specific idea.

Example Sentence: The floor groaned under the weight of the crowd.
Explanation: The writer uses the human-like trait of groaning to de-scribe how the floor sounds when a crowd is standing on it.

SYNECDOCHE is a figure of speech where the writer or speaker uses a word or phrases that refers to a part of something to rep-resent a whole.

Example Sentence: We need all hands on deck for this assignment.
Explanation: The writer uses the term “hands” to represent the need for an entire group to help with something.

What you need:

  • Pencil

How to prep:

  • Print the pages
  • Cut out the illustration cards


  1. Look at each illustration and write a caption using personification or synecdoche to explain what is happening in the illustration.
  2. Label your caption “personification” or “synecdoche”.