Figures of speech are words or phrases that are used in a non-literal way to describe something or emphasize a thought/idea. An understatement is a type of figure of speech where a writer or speaker uses language that minimizes an issue to be either comedic, polite, or humble. This activity will help young writers hone in their use of the understatement!

What you need:

  • Scissors

  • Glue

How to prep:

  • Cut out each “flip the script” along the dotted lines.

  • Glue the literal meaning on top of the understatement. Only glue the top of the page, making sure you are able to flip up the literal statement to show the understatement below. 


  1. Read the “script” on the first of each page and think of an understatement to replace the direct meaning of the sentence.

  2. Write your understatement on the line.