The “theme” of a story is the overall topic or lesson learned by the characters. While a “main idea” is specific to a book (i.e.ย Charlie learns to be a good friend to Max), the “theme” is more universal, and can be applied to various stories (i.e.ย friendship, orย friends are always there for each other). “Theme” can be a pretty abstract topic for kids to learn, but this game will help make it easy peasy!

What you need:

  • Dice
  • Game tokens

How to prep:

  • Print the pages
  • Place the two game board pages side-by-side, and attach them together with tape.


  1. Each player begins their turn by rolling the dice and moving according to the number.
  2. Use the following instructions for the different types of spaces you may land on:
    • When you land on a PURPLE or BLUE space, answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Your teammates can give you a thumbs up or down to tell you if you are correct.
    • When you land on a YELLOW or GREEN space, share with your teammates what that theme means to you.
    • When you land on a HANDS or PUZZLE space, share how you have experienced that theme, either in a book or in your own life.
  3. The first one to the finish wins!