
This past week has been full of excitement as we have finally been able to share what we’re doing publicly! Hearing from parents and people who believe in the vision of WonderHere has affirmed that we’re on the right path. It feels like just the other day we were talking about doing something more than just complaining about the change we want to see. We cannot believe we are actually taking steps to BE the change we have done so much talking about.

It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, we have since learned that it takes a great city to raise an innovative business, and Lakeland is that special city. There are so many inspiring and innovative people living in this beautiful “small-town” and we are surrounded by “go-getters” that have paved the way for us to launch our vision. It would be understandable for us to be nervous and unsure about doing something so “gutsy” like starting a business; but it has been unnervingly simple. We have dreamed and there have been so many people guiding us and cheering us on along the way. LAKELAND is an amazing place to live, and it is an amazing place to launch small business.

We wanted to spend some time bragging on all of the phenomenal people who have become the bridge that has moved us from dreaming to doing. Yes, it took God and guts, but a lot of it is also the amazing community we get to call “home.” There is something about Lakeland, FL that is so unique. It draws you in. It makes you believe you can make a difference.

Husbands: George Zivkovich and Jeffrey Thenor! You men are the most incredible and supportive ever. We are just getting started, but you have been cheering us on every step of the way, and we couldn’t even dream of doing this without your backing. Thank you so much for believing in our dreams and challenging us to not just talk about it, but “be” about it. You two make taking this leap a whole lot less scary.

Families: We have the most encouraging and supportive family members. Thank you to our moms, dads, sisters, brothers, and extended family. You have surrounded us with your prayers and uplifting words and have a large part in this dream turning to reality. You provided us with the history and upbringing that has shaped who we are as people and continue to impact our choices in a positive way. You guys have given us the foundation to build on and helped us to believe “WE CAN”.

Friends: Our friends are so amazing! From sharing all of our posts online, to rocking our company shirts, to listening to us bounce ideas off of you and just giving us positive feedback; you all have kept us going and lend your ear and hand whenever we need. Thank you for simply being there and rooting us on. Keep it up… we will need reliable cheering on and helpful hands as we get closer to opening in the summer.

Lakeland CRA: Lakeland has a kick-butt Community Redevelopment Agency in City Hall. They are movers and shakers and are doing an amazing job improving Lakeland and impacting lives and neighborhoods. They have extend their encouragement and support our way, and we hope to work with them on projects in the near future. Lakeland is so incredibly lucky to have such visionaries working on its behalf, and we are blessed to have connected with them.

Heather and Dustin Olson of Fat Maggies have graciously shared their wisdom and experience in launching their delicious and inviting “Mom and Pop” restaurant with us and helping us to connect with key Lakelanders that have helped us get this far and continue to walk this journey with us. We love Fat Maggies!

Grant & Marissa Nieddu of Spark My Site we cannot say enough! They took our scrambled vision and lack of “know how” in the world of websites and made our vision come to life by creating During meetings and conversations, they extended to us their wealth of knowledge when it comes to business and entrepreneurship and allowed us to tap into their knowledge in discussions far beyond the website.

Travis Cooper of Travis Cooper Design who created our company logo and provided us graphics for our social media campaign. You were so gracious when we bothered you with countless changes and when we were picky and indecisive. You took our ideas and nailed it! We are so in love with our logo and will proudly adorn our merch and space with it in the near future.

Kirsten Czernek of The Balance Culture who took us under her wing and pointed us in all the right directions in the world of connections. She is a rock star entrepreneur and we are so blessed to have her in our contact as a resource as we wade our way through this new world of business.

Vanessa & Teresa! You two were our faithful and dedicated first members before WonderHere even had a name! You have allowed us to use your beautiful children as our models for our website and our helpful hands during our community events. You have encouraged us so greatly with your endorsement and enthusiasm to have you children learn under this new umbrella. We do not take for granted the love you have for your children and are so humbled to know you believe we can enhance their learning. We are so excited to have you onboard!

The Way Community Church: Thank you Pastor Tim and Theresa for allowing us to host our Focus Groups and Pop-Up classes at the church and for praying and encouraging our dreams and passions. Growing under your leadership has helped us step out in faith and trust God with this very big dream that seems too big for the two of us.

It may seem a little presumptuous to give a thank you speech right now, especially because we’ve just begun, but we want to be the kind of people who are thankful all along the way, not just when we reach the top.

So yes, WonderHere started out as a small idea between a couple of teachers seeking change in education for Lakeland… BUT it has developed and is becoming a reality because of Lakeland and the people in it who rolled up their sleeves and helped. Whoever you are… don’t just dream and talk and wish for change to happen. Start taking steps, one at a time, towards that dream and don’t stop until it happens. And if you are a Lakelander with a dream we could use… get going! This city will rally behind you like no other!

WonderHere Blog - A Learn and Play Studio