April 2nd: WonderHere Pop Up Class

We’re back with another fun pop up class! This time, bring your kids and we’ll “travel” to outer space… reading and learning math and science along the way!

The Great Disconnect

I want you to take just a moment and think back to one of your favorite learning memories from when you were a kid in school. When you reminisce on your childhood learning experiences, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it was a biographical research...

From “Troubled” Wonderer to World Changer

Imagine a child… YOUR child… sitting in a classroom with 20 other children. All of the students are young, curious, perhaps a bit antsy, and there they are sitting… as best they can anyway. The teacher is in the front of the classroom teaching (about...

March 4th: First Friday

Stop by the WonderHere booth at March’s First Friday event! We will have fun, educational activities for your kids, as well as information about how they can have this much fun learning ALL the time 🙂 Hope to see you there!

Your Voice is Heard

“My child is curious by nature! I feel like in public school her learning is limited. She comes home with more questions and I feel like her teachers don’t have time to satisfy her curiosity. I feel like she is only getting the ‘bare-bones’”. –WonderHere Mom of...