Blast off into a summer of adventure with Lost in Space Camp, the ultimate destination for young space enthusiasts aged 5-12! Our camp is a galaxy of fun, filled with activities that ignite curiosity and inspire dreams of the cosmos. From exploring the mysteries of planets and stars to stepping into the boots of astronauts, campers will embark on an unforgettable journey through the universe, all from the comfort of our Earth-bound camp location.
Enjoy “traveling” to different planets, simulating Jupiter’s storms, making space food, playing Asteroid Dodgeball, and EONS more. PLUS, all your favorite things about WonderHere Summer Camps, like hands-on activities, free play, cooking, games, team competitions, time at the gardens and with farm animals (can you say Alpacas?!). Best of all, your child gets to learn, play, and create friendships… all in a safe, caring environment.
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