Culture Anthologies

Immersive, magazine-style Anthologies designed for the WHOLE family to learn more about other cultures!
These Culture Anthologies are for YOU… whether you are black, white, brown, or anything else. There is room for you at this table and you are invited into the conversation. Our goal, through these Anthologies, is that your family grows in cultural-awareness as you focus on all the beauty and wonder within your own culture and other cultures.
Read the articles and enjoy the activities that follow each section as an invitation to think deeper about the personal accounts shared; make memories as a family that will connect you to one another and to others different from and similar to you; and build a bridge into our shared history and windows into others.
Use the Child’s Companion Notebook to provide space for your child(ren) to reflect and respond on the thoughts shared here. Enjoy all of the conversation that is sparked and the interests that are peaked as you move through this body of work as a family.
What you get:
- 100+ page full-color, professionally-printed, magazine-style Culture Anthology shipped to your home
- Child’s Companion Guide full of opportunities for children to reflect and engage in the Anthology
- Accompanying Board Game and Paper Doll Patterns to make the learning FUN!