Monday School

Let us launch your homeschool week, every week.


Introducing… Monday School!

Partner with our team of certified educators to empower your family in your homeschool journey. Drop off your child on Mondays from 8:30AM – 3PM at our WonderHere Farm, surrounded by nature and based in our homey Studio.

We will expose your child to lessons, skills, and activities that you can carry out the rest of the week at home. Plus everything you love about the Farm… animals, gardens, and outdoor play!

ONE day, under ONE roof, exploring ONE idea… that homeschooling is better together.

Days & Times: Mondays from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Ages: 5-12
Cost: $200/month ($150 registration fee – curriculum provided with registration fee)
What you can expect:
  • One-room-Schoolhouse-style
  • Multi-age class (grades K-5) with certified teacher personalizing instruction
  • 1:12 ratio with parent volunteer 1 week per month
Monday Rhythm:
(learn more in the FAQ section below)
  • 8:30-10:30 Work Cycle 
  • 10:30-11:30 Snack & Farm Play
  • 11:30-12:30 Project Time
  • 12:30-1:30 LUNCH & Play
  • 1:30 PBL
  • 2:15 Read Aloud
  • 2:45 clean up
PLUS! Field trips, community events, and more!

Monday School is FULL for the 2023-24 school year.

We are now taking applications for the 2024-25 school year. Click below to apply!


Q: What curriculum will my child be learning with?

A: We will use the following curriculum in Monday School which will be sent home for the remainder of the week:

Math: Singapore Dimensions

Language Arts & Writing: Brave Writer

Spelling: Words Their Way

Science & History: WonderHere Unit Studies (Electricity January-February and Medieval Times March-April)

Q: What is Work Cycle?

A: Work Cycle is a Montessori style work session for language arts and math where the students will receive personalized instruction while engaging in meaningful hands-on activities. We have used Work Cycles at WonderHere for years, and it has proven to be an effective learning method!

Q: What is PBL?

A: PBL stands for “Phenomena-Based Learning”, an approach popular in forward-thinking educational systems like that of Finland. The WonderHere Family-Style Curriculum is based in PBL and allows children to approach science and history topics from a stance of wonder, research, and projects.

Q: How is Monday School different than Friday School?

A: Monday School and Friday School are structured similarly, but Friday School focuses more on ENRICHMENT (nature studies, project time, cooking, etc), and Monday School focuses more on CORE ACADEMICS.

With Friday School, no work is sent home to complete. Monday School is more of a partnership with families, and lessons and work will be sent home for families to do throughout the week together.

Q: How much time should I plan to set aside the rest of the week for learning?

A: The exact answer to this depends on your family’s routines and dynamics, but the workload should not exceed 2-3 hours per day for three additional days of learning (apart from Mondays).

At WonderHere, we believe learning does not need to take 7 hours a day, 5 days a week… and even less so when you are homeschooling and focusing solely on your children.

Our goal is to make the academic part of your homeschooling simple and joyful so you can focus on the fun stuff!

Q: Can we do Monday School AND Friday School?

A: YES! Starting the week launching academics with Monday School, then continuing the work at home Tuesday-Thursday, and finally ending the week with fun enrichment at Friday School is an EXCELLENT plan!

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