After years of teaching in the public-school system, we’ve encountered many different parents each asking themselves the same questions you are probably asking today. “Do we spend enough time together as a family?” “Are my kids learning EVERYthing they need to?” “Are my children enjoying their childhood?” Listen, as both moms and teachers… we get it. We look at the work we do with children in the classroom everyday and our own children at home and we agonize over these very same questions. We want so much to provide our very best for our children. And that is why we created our Family-Style Curriculum!

Our curriculum is different. Unlike any other program out there, WonderHere’s Family-Style Curriculum invites your children between grades Kindergarten-5th grade to gather around the same table, to discover and explore beautifully interesting topics together. Finnish-inspired and encompassing the very best practices from world-renowned educational models such as Reggio-Emilia and Montessori, there is, quite literally, nothing out there like this, and we are so excited to introduce our program to you.

Our team of certified teacher-moms have worked (and continue to work) tirelessly to create one program that you could use and that you would believe in. A program that removes the need to juggle multiple curriculums and significantly reduces the financial and emotional cost typically spent educating children from home.

Our curriculum uses 7 key Learning Elements that are interwoven throughout our program to set the table for your child’s wonder to take over and for learning to spark. Literature, art, play, nature, community, music, and phenomena (which is a fancy word for something that is observed or studied), each playing an important role to make up our full curriculum kit that is fit for the whole family. That’s right, you heard correctly. One kit for the WHOLE family grades Kindergarten- 5th grade, for an entire FULL school year of learning!

Within our fully downloadable program, you receive over 4,000 pages of beautifully designed and intentionally developed activities and resources. Not to mention access to our online community of families growing in wonder and wisdom alongside of you!

What’s Included

  • 3 leveled Workbooks per unit
  • Weekly Comprehension Mini Lessons + Games
  • Weekly Vocabulary Mini Lessons + Games
  • Weekly Grammar Mini Lessons + Mentor Sentence Activities
  • Weekly Writing Mini Lessons
  • Weekly Composer Study
  • Weekly Nature Journaling Activity
  • Weekly Invitations to Play
  • Weekly Invitations to Create
  • Weekly PBL (project-based) learning opportunities
  • Unit-wide Math Projects
  • Unit-wide Empathy Experiences
  • WonderHere Learn & Play Guide (a must read before engaging in curriculum)
  • Access to our EXCLUSIVE learning community
  • Monthly emails with FREEBIES & curriculum updates

Now, I know what you are asking yourself… how can it really be THIS simple? Can we really cover EVERYTHING in this one program? But can we whisper truth over you and set your mind at ease? As both educators and moms, let us encourage you that the goal for our children’s education is not just about COVERING it all BUT about establishing deep understanding for our children to experience real, applicable learning at a peaceful pace. When we slow down our children grow roots that run deep. When we present fewer topics taught with depth and intentionality rather than tons of topics taught at surface level, our children understand more and love learning more.

So, while our curriculum will instruct your child on all grade-level skills throughout the course of the school year, each of the five thematic units explored will be based on a larger body of content with a science or history focus. Within Series 1 of our Family-Style Curriculum, all literature, art, math project, nature study, phenomena project, language arts skills… everything will be presented under the following thematic units: Native American Study, Energy, Earth & Space, Geography, and Anatomy.

Both Series 2 and 3 are currently under development so that we can continue introducing interesting science and history topics to your family, while spiraling grade-level skills within each version so that your children are constantly encountering opportunities to make academic growth.  Check out what’s to come!

So, within each series of our curriculum, your children will encounter new thematic science or history units of study while receiving all grade-level skills at whichever ability level they are at that moment. Because our program has Kindergarten-5th grade built in, there is space for your child to encounter learning that is just right for them.

Now, we’re not sure if all of the curriculum developers in the world got into a room together somewhere and decided curriculum should be expensive, standardized, and segregated by subject and grade level… but this does not reflect our families and our team just knew we could do better for you.

Your children are not standard, and you need a curriculum that sees your children for who they are. Creative, brave, curious, brilliant, WONDERers. You need curriculum that keeps your family unit intact while honoring each child’s individual interests and abilities. WonderHere’s Family-Style curriculum does just that.

Please know that each idea penned, each thought transcribed, each activity, story, game, and project, every element of this curriculum was designed with your child in mind.

So, here’s to you! And may each learning experience we have designed breathe life into your day and grow you closer as a family.